Warrior Training: Knighthood
History of Knighthood
Most of us have heard the stories of the Knights of old. Knights were
warriors who fought under a Lord, and through their exploits often became
Lords themselves. Knights of the middle ages were not just men in tin cans
swinging heavy swords, maces, and flails. In fact, the Knight is the martial
artist of the European world. In it's height, Knighthood was an advanced
study of self-defense and weaponry.
For additional information on the history of Knighthood...
Heraldica.org, Knighthood and Orders of Chivalry
Knighthood, Chivalry & Tournaments Resource Library
Teacher Oz's Kingdom of History, The Middle Ages, Chivalry, & Knighthood
Qualifications of Knighthood
Members of the guild study for a year and a day privately and receive
additional training through the monthly training musters. Once a member
has attended musters regularly for a year and a day, they are evaluated
for knighthood. Those who have advanced in their training and are deemed
ready can be knighted by the guild. This knighthood has several aspects,
including (but not limited to), increased responsibility in the Guild and
advanced training.
Responsibilities of Knights
Once knighted, the member is considered to be in a leadership position.
The Warriors Guild has a three tier leadership structure.
Tier One
Sir Red Dragon and Lady Sarafina
Tier Two
Lady Boudiccea and Sir Geirveig
Tier Three
Sir Ospray, Lady Thomas, and All Other Knights
As you can see, any knight has leadership responsibilities if the First
two tiers aren't present. In addition, Knights are given a duty such as
Weapon's Marshal or Archery Expert based on their strengths. Knights may
also serve as contacts for those interested in joining the guild. This
means they are responsible for telling the person what the guild does
and assuring that they know when and where events and musters are happening.
Being a Knight is a step up in responsibility, but everyone does their
part in the Guild.
For more information on Membership see Warrior Defined.