Musters: Drills

The following are the maneuvers, standards, and drills for the members of the Warriors Guild. These standards help give us a look of unity and allow us to work as a cohesive group.

Practicing drill, in addition to being an organized means of getting a mass of people from point A to point B, helps us to develop a sense of unity, teaches us to work as a team, and looks darn nifty when done properly.

The commands we will be using are, for the most part, the basic drill used by the US Armed Forces. Because we use sword and shield, and have specialized needs not covered by the USAF drill manuals, we will begin to grow our own maneuvers and traditions, which I will add to this page.

For the basics, I recommend glancing through the US Army Field Manual 22-5 -Drill and Ceremonies.

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Virginia Warrior's Guild

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