Warrior's Code

The following is the code of the Warriors Guild. Reading the Warrior's Code will give you a general idea of the qualities and morals of a warrior. For more information on the path of the warrior see Warrior Defined.

Brother (Sister) to Brother (Sister) in life and death sworn to each other from this day forward…

In all that you do, consider its benefit or harm upon yourself, your children and your people.

All that which you do will return to you, sooner or later, good or ill. Thus always strive to be just in your actions.

Be honest with yourself and others. "This above all: to thine own self be true."

Humankind, especially your own family and folk, has the spark of divinity within it. Protect and nurture that spark.

Give your word sparingly, and adhere to it like iron.

Your first trust and responsibility should be to your own people, yet be kind and proper to others whenever possible.

What you have, hold.

Pass onto others only those words you have verified personally.

Be honest with others and let it known that you expect the same.

The fury of the moment plays folly with the truth; to keep ones head is a virtue.

Know which battles should be fought and which to be avoided. Know when to break off a conflict, for there are times when the minions of chaos are simply too strong or when fate is unavoidable.

When you gain power, use it well and wisely.

Courage and Honor endure forever. Their echoes remain when the mountains have crumbled to the sea.

Pledge your friendship and services to those who are worthy. Strengthen others of your people and they will strengthen you.

Love and care for your family and have the fierceness of a wolf for their protection.

Honor yourself, have pride, do your best, and forgive yourself when you must.

Try always to be above reproach in the eyes of the world.

Those of our peoples should always endeavor to settle any differences among themselves quietly and peacefully.

The laws of the land should be obeyed, for in the main they have been chosen with wisdom.

Have pride in your family and folk for they are your future.

Do not neglect your mate or your children.

Every one of our people should work accordingly to be the best they can be, thus we must help each other.

One advances individually and collectively only by living in harmony with the natural order of the world.

The seeking of Wisdom is a high virtue. Love of Truth, Honor, Courage, and Loyalty are the hallmarks of the noble soul.

Be prepared for whatever the future brings.

Life with all its joys, struggles, and ambiguities is to be embraced and lived to the fullest.

Virginia Warrior's Guild

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